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Managed Services vs. Break/Fix IT Support: Which is Right for Your Business?


When it comes to IT support, businesses have two primary options: managed services and break/fix IT support. Understanding the differences between the two and determining which approach aligns with your business needs is essential. In this article, we will explore managed services and break/fix IT support, comparing their key features and helping you make an informed decision. Additionally, we will highlight Afritech Computing as a trusted provider in the South African context, offering both managed services and break/fix IT support to cater to your organization’s specific requirements.

1. Managed Services: 

Managed services provide proactive, ongoing IT support for your business. With managed services, a dedicated IT service provider, such as Afritech Computing, takes a proactive approach to monitor, manage, and maintain your IT infrastructure. Key features of managed services include:

a. Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance: 

Managed service providers continuously monitor your systems, networks, and devices, identifying and addressing potential issues before they escalate. They perform regular maintenance, software updates, and security patches to ensure optimal performance and minimize downtime.

b. Predictable Monthly Costs: 

Managed services operate on a fixed monthly subscription model, providing predictable costs for IT support. This helps with budgeting and enables better resource allocation, as you know exactly what to expect without unexpected expenses.

c. Strategic IT Planning: 

Managed service providers work closely with your organization to develop an IT roadmap aligned with your business objectives. They offer strategic guidance and technology recommendations to help you leverage IT solutions that drive growth and enhance productivity.

2. Break/Fix IT Support: 

Break/fix IT support, on the other hand, takes a reactive approach to IT support. In this model, IT support is sought only when an issue arises, and the service provider fixes the problem on a per-incident basis. Key features of break/fix IT support include:

a. On-Demand Support: 

Break/fix IT support is utilized when a problem occurs, and you engage the service provider to resolve the issue. You pay for the specific support incident, typically on an hourly basis.

b. Cost Variability: 

With break/fix IT support, costs can vary depending on the complexity and duration of the support required. This model can lead to unpredictable expenses, making it harder to budget for IT support needs.

c. Reactive Issue Resolution: 

Break/fix IT support focuses on resolving immediate issues rather than implementing proactive measures to prevent future problems. While it can address immediate concerns, it may lead to more downtime and potential disruptions.


Choosing between managed services and break/fix IT support depends on your organization’s specific needs and preferences. Managed services offer proactive monitoring, maintenance, and strategic IT planning, providing a comprehensive IT support solution. On the other hand, break/fix IT support is suitable for organizations with limited IT needs or budget constraints, seeking on-demand support for specific issues.

Afritech Computing, a trusted provider in the South African context, offers both managed services and break/fix IT support. Their experienced professionals can assess your requirements and recommend the most suitable option for your business. Whether you need ongoing IT support, strategic planning, or on-demand assistance, Afritech Computing can tailor their services to meet your organization’s unique needs.

Contact Afritech Computing today to discuss your IT support requirements and determine which approach—managed services or break/fix IT support—is the right fit for your business. With their expertise, you can ensure efficient IT operations and receive the support you need to drive your business forward in the dynamic South African market.